Electric, Electronic, Electromagnetic Locks At the moment you are going to buy the devices to protect and secure your office or home within it in different sectors, in a trade, industry, etc., we find a wide variety of options. We are going to focus on the type of mag lock to select. First we will define two concepts: SAFE and SECURE, what we call security, has two different terms, SAFE: Safety of people. SECURE: Security of goods. So, we have locks. FAIL SAFE, that in the case of a failure or cut of privileged energy in the safety of people, this is the case of electromagnetic locks for example, that can be released to people evacuate the place freely. An electromagnetic lock, it is classified according to the effort necessary to open them by kilograms of force. They come available in 120lbs , 140lbs, 300lbs , 600lbs , 800lbs and 1200lbs. An electric bolt, which is also a case of power failure releases the door. Then we have an option that comes in both Fail Safe mode and Fail Sec...
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