Digital marketing sector in London

London's digital industry plays a fundamental role in the British economy. This industry has helped position London as Europe's uncontested digital capital and has been an agent for growth across various industry sectors. Thanks to its union of modern infrastructure, a skilled workforce, and the ongoing support received from investors and from the financial sector, London is a point of reference in the global digital sector.

It is estimated that as a whole, the TMT (Technolgy, Media and Telecom) sector contributes more than 8% to the United Kingdom's total GDP (Gross Domestic Product), generating an annual value of £125 billion. Tech and internet-related businesses alone contribute in excess of £60 billion to the country's economy.

Nevertheless, some survey found that the most productive sub-sectors were e-commerce, fintech, data management/analytics and digital marketing. London-based digital companies were found to have particularly good capabilities in areas like UX design, network infrastructure, data science, and online payment platforms. The sector also benefits from the existence of business accelerators and from a large number of co-working spaces that suit the needs of new digital startups.

The city's digital sector is helping transform other industry sectors too. This is mostly evident in the case of retail due to the impact that digital technologies have had on e-commerce. A recent eMarketer report showed that more than £52 billion were spent in online transactions last year, and this figure is expected to grow to £76 billion by 2018. The e-commerce market is also growing exponentially, going from £3.85 billion in 2012 to £14.10 billion in 2014, and its worth is expected to double by the end of 2018.

According to the 2015 Tech Nation "Powering the Digital Economy" report, the digital sector is on its way to seeing further growth, as growth rates are expected to outperform every industry by 2020. However, this sector is facing some challenges too. A Deloitte survey of over 150 companies found that owners of digital companies in London cite an unfavourable tax regime and the lack of suitable office space at affordable prices as the main growth inhibitors. Moreover, the digital sector in London is experiencing increased competition from other UK cities that are quickly becoming new digital hubs, like Manchester, Cambridge, Bournemouth, Bristol, Liverpool, and Brighton. Nevertheless, the future looks certainly bright for the London digital industry, which is expected to grow by more than 5% every year.


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