Waiting list on Google

The latest news from Google is managing waiting lists in restaurants

Some successful restaurants have such demand that it is very difficult for the average consumer to reserve a table. In some Latin American countries it is customary to be included in a waiting list in restaurants, perhaps in Europe it is more common to relaunch a reservation.

Following the usual procedure seen in physical establishments, Google now allows us to enter a kind of queue that will give us the opportunity to reserve when there is a free space. The novelty comes from the hand of DineTime, one of the utilities integrated in the Reserve with Google software package. Thus, restaurants that want to take advantage of this technology for there restaurant marketing update, must have a DineTime account.

Google Reserve

This will allow them to keep the number of diners close to the maximum capacity of the establishment, as well as provide a better service to those users who feel frustrated at not being able to eat at their favorite place.

The inclusion of the “JOIN WAITLIST” option or entering the waiting list has been discovered by a Canadian and local SEO for restaurants expert, Sergey Alakov. Given the characteristics of the function, with no official announcement at the moment, little has transcended the actual capabilities of the tool, conjectures predominate.

However, it is known that DineTime also has an Alexa integration module, so it is not crazy to think that the new utility will also have voice and speech recognition.

This will allow them to keep the number of diners close to the maximum capacity of the establishment, as well as provide a better service to those users who feel frustrated at not being able to eat at their favorite place.

QSR Automations

Reserve with Google is a very recent bet of the Alphabet subsidiary, which is why it is not yet available outside of North America, where it can be used in the US. UU. and Canada However, the program is focused on the global market, so it is only a matter of time that reservations and payments through Google are available in Spain and other Hispanic countries.

Online booking platforms for restaurants such as OpenTable or Reserve keep an eye on the news coming from the information giants Google and Facebook, as these companies are consolidating their activities as financial intermediaries in the commercial world. The restaurants represent a sector that moves billions of euros a year, so that’s why there’s no surprise that social media for restaurants use has just grown lately.

At the moment the advances are shy but effective. Reserve with Google users will be able to click on the "JOIN WAITLIST" button that is located just above the description of the establishment so that they do not have to consult every two times if there is a free table. One step ahead of user comfort.


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